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This section is for blogs that are written on the topics addressed on P.U.R.E Live

Just Breathe: How to Improve Your Mental Health

Currently, our world is dealing with the aftermath of a pandemic and outrage over the violent behavior against African Americans.  The intensity of emotion behind this toxic environment has caused an increase in depression and anxiety.  Coping has been a challenge to say the least.  Here's a few ways, according to the CDC that you can begin coping and getting your mind right:

- Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including social media. Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting.
- Take care of your body.
      - Take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate.
      - Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
      - Exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep.
      - Avoid alcohol and drugs.
- Make time to unwind. Try to do some other activities you enjoy.
- Connect with others. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.

Click HERE for more information on getting assistance with distress or abuse.

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I've Got Your Back: Accountability Partners

In light of all of the horrible things going on today, we are in need of holding others accountable and holding ourselves accountable to be a positive force in this world.  We all have a part to play.  It is our duty to do what is right.  The way to find out what needs to be done is to educate ourselves.  There are several sites that have so much information behind movements and laws that need to be changed.  The Black Lives Matter movement is now world wide.  The site has so much information and is clear on the purpose of this movement.  This may not be the cause for you.  This may not be the movement you want to get behind.  At the same time, you should not sit on your hands when you know you can contribute in a positive way.  You can volunteer to feed the hungry, help take care of the homeless or the elderly.  We ARE our neighbor's keeper.  Our actions or lack there of, effect this world in one way or another.  Here's a link to BlackLivesMatter in case you decide this is a cause you want to get behind.

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How to Uplift Your Life

Today, on June 19, 2020, we celebrate Juneteenth in memory of the day that ALL of our (African American) people were set free and no longer a slave to anyone.  I emphasize ALL because when it was signed into law in 1863, the people in Texas were not informed and those slaves weren't set free until 2 years later, June 19, 1865. This has marked the official beginning of African American independence.  Today, we continue to strive for that independence.  The times we are currently living in have shown to be an ugly time.  There has been so much violence, bigotry, racism, disrespect, hatred, fear, loss, and sorrow.  However, these times are not without hope.  So much has been achieved throughout the years.  We've had our first African American President (Barack Obama).  We have seen our people of color be sworn into different governmental offices and these are victories.  We went from fighting for the right to be able to vote to being on the ballot.  Our guest tonight is also a testimony to a victory for us.  His name is Norman J Liverpool IV, Founder of Over the Top Living.  Norman is a double minority.  He is identified as African American and Gay.  He has already climbed quite a steep hill in his battle with his identity and finding his place in this world.  Now, he's living his best life.  He is in a managerial position and heading his own movement with Over the Top Living.  He is encouraging people to share their stories and use it as fuel to move up in this world.  His life is a powerful testimony of determination.  Another thing I appreciate about him is that he is not self-serving in his movement.  He is right there lifting others up as he is lifted.  That is what we all should be doing for each other as a people.  That is how you truly uplift your life.  You uplift your life as you lift others along with you.  If you'd like to read more about his story and movement, click on the "Read More" button below and it will lead you to his website.  Happy Juneteenth!

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Shape Up: How to Get Fit From Home

This episode was fun and light.  However, this topic can be heavy for some.  People struggle from depression over how they see themselves.  Struggling to maintain a healthy weight can be stressful and contribute to the problem.  Knowing that everyone has a different body type, it's difficult to know which direction to go in order to create a healthy lifestyle for ourselves.  Having a health coach like Marina Lucero is helpful in understanding what works for you.  A coach helps to encourage and motivate you to keep going and stay on task.  Living a healthy lifestyle has nothing to do with the body images we see on social media, magazines, and tv.  It's all about living your best life in a healthy way.  We only have one life to live on this earth.  Why not make it a healthy one?  You can click on here in order to reach out to Marina to get started on your healthy lifestyle.

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My Voice, My Choice

So much is going on today and it is now very public.  We are not really experiencing new problems; it is just much more visible.  In regards to our individual roles in the tragic state we are in, we are not all in agreement.  There are so many high and low level celebrities and some have chosen to make a statement through their various platforms.  The questions is, should we bash those that have chosen not to speak out or join a movement?  We all have freedom of speech and some of us take more liberty than others in what we decide to put out to the public.  With that being said, should every singer make a song supporting Black Lives Matter?  Should every actor post a video clearly stating how they are against the horrible tragedies going on right now?  Should YouTubers make videos dedicated to the Black Lives Matter movement?  Can you be outraged about the horrible violence going on and not support the Black Lives Matter movement?  I feel that this is an important topic to address.  What is my role?  What is your role?  What is our role right now?  Recording Artist, Elijah Jamal, is taking is position in the public eye very seriously and using his platforms to speak to the hearts that choose to listen.  You can find his song Stand Up here.  It will move you.  With that being said, should we just applaud his decision to speak up and use his platform, or should we also reprimand those that choose not to?  We'll be discussing this on Friday evening with Elijah Jamal.  Don't forget to tune in. 

Live Show

My Covid-19 Journey

Along with the thousands of Americans that have suffered from the Corona Virus (Covid-19), I also dealt with this disease. My experience was different than what so many said it would be like. I never had a fever.  I had lower abdominal pain that was just unbearable. I struggled to breathe as I waited for my husband to come home to take me to the hospital. I thank God that my son was with me to assist me. I had my inhaler and nebulizer and it still wasn't enough.  I was opening windows because I couldn't catch my breath. Because I was already aware of the inexperience of the doctors in my neighborhood, we had to take the hour trip to Chicago. The doctors at Northwestern Memorial Hospital were so kind to me and the nurses were awesome.  They took such good care of me. I had chills and body aches. I also had chest pain and headaches.  I initially tested negative from the swab test but the doctors informed me that those aren't 100% reliable. They ran other tests and monitored my symptoms and determined I was positive for Covid-19.  I was hospitalized for a few days and I felt so lonely because I wasn't allowed to have visitors. It was scary at first because I didn't know if I was going to get better. It was truly rough. I didn't even have an appetite. However, I was blessed enough to have family and friends that cared enough for me to pray for me and encourage me through messages and phone calls.  I was truly touched by all of the love I received.  I realize that as much as I tried to be safe, I could have done better at protecting myself and family from this disease. We need to wash our hands after handling items from outside of your home, like groceries and packages. Wear your masks when you are going to be around people outside of your home.  This is even necessary when going through the drive-thru.  You get close enough to get infected during your exchange of money and whatever else you were there for.  Last but not least, keep yourselves updated and educated by checking out the CDC website and your local news.  I have the link to the CDC below.

CDC Website

Transition: Ashes Emanating Beauty

Millions of Americans have experienced some type of domestic of abuse.  However, a good portion of those people haven't reported their abuse.  The ones that are brave enough to seek help deal with a broken system and in some situations has cost them their lives.  The lack of knowledge of the resources that are available to us has kept so many in bondage.  I was one of those that was being abused without know how to get help.  I had physical abuse, rape, and gaslighting from one relationship.  This lasted years before I had the courage to get out.  I had children to take care of, so I had to figure out how to protect them while protecting myself.  Thankfully, I had family looking out for us and I wasn''t alone in the fight for freedom from my abuser.  Some don't know about the term I used , which is "gaslighting".  What is gaslighting? Gaslighting is when your emotions, words, and experiences are twisted and used against you, causing you to question your reality.  For years, I thought I was in the wrong and that I wasn't doing what I needed to do to get my family back to normal. I thought that being a Christian woman meant that I couldn't leave my marriage.  I wanted God to be pleased with me.  My parents helped me see that I didn't have to stay in that abusive relationship.  My mother helped me to research the resources that were available to me.  Unfortunately, I left one abusive relationship just to end up in another abusive relationship.  I dealt with so much abuse that I started to think that I was to blame for the situations I ended up in.  I reported one person that abused me and that is how I found out about more resources that were out there for people like me.  I appreciate organizations like RAINN, Resilience, and Thehotline.org.  If you are in an abusive relationship and you are looking for a way out, click on the "Read More" button below.  It will send you to a link that has a wealth of information to assist you in getting out of your abusive situation.  I made it out, but there are so many that haven't.  Because of that, I continue to share information in regards to helping people like us.  If I helped to save one life, it's worth it.  As you go down your path to freedom, be sure to help someone else be free.

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Things People Should Discuss Before Marriage

2/12 we had a discussion about things we should discuss before marriage and if we did that.  We also talked about the effects of not having those discussions before marriage.  We used the Buzzfeed article for this discussion which is in the "Read More" link below. Every couple is different and begin relationships in different ways.  The guest we had on the show started their marriage while the husband was in the military.  Due to this special dynamic, there were sacrifices made that a lot of of us don't have to make.  The wife is a housewife or as they put it "domestic engineer".  I love that title!  Some look at this role and assume it isn't difficult but it takes so much to run a home full of children while your spouse is away for months at a time.  They have 4 lovely and beautiful children and they had to learn how to run their household in harmony, peace, and understanding.  In order to do this, it can't be remedied by making sure everything is discussed before marriage because there are so many things that you won't understand until you are actually in that situation.  My marriage is drastically different.  We have a blended family and we both work.  Children assist with chores, but how to decide on how to split other responsibilities? How do you decide on who's family to spend time with during the holidays? Do you both have the same belief systems? Do you agree on how to raise the children and how they are disciplined?  What about families that have Exes that are in the picture because they also have a hand in raising them?  What does that discussion look like?  What about things that you are comfortable with in the bedroom?  Are these things that should be discussed before marriage?  I do believe that the items I mentioned should be discussed, however, be ready to make some compromises and sacrifices because not all things work the way you think they will.  Make sure that your relationship is so solid that these unexpected situations won't break you down to the point of no recovery.  The only way I know how to do that is to take it to God and make sure you are following His lead.  What are your thoughts?

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How to Elevate Your Brand for Personal Growth

This past Friday we spoke to the gifted "Brandthrupist" Yolanda M Smith about identifying and elevating your brand for personal and professional growth.  This is something so many of us, including myself, struggle with.  There are so many of us that have gifts, talents, and calling on our lives that we don't either know how to identify or market.  This becomes frustrating and has caused so many to give up.  Many organizations that had the potential to thrive had to close their doors because they didn't have the tools nor the knowledge to thrive beyond the difficulties that come with this unpredictable market.  People like Yolanda M Smith from Branding 4 Success help us to develop the knowledge and tools to get through that ever changing market.  She has affordable courses and a proven system that works.  If you'd like to hear more about what her organization has to offer, click on the "Read More" link below.

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Black Innovation: Greatness in the Making

2/26 I had some amazing guests on my show.  This power couple is Anthony and Naomi Johnson.  It was such an awesome experience to learn of their unique journey together.  I have never met anyone that had exhibits at the Smithsonian, however they BOTH do.  Their journey being filled with music, fashion, and cultural history is still being written.  It is inspiring to watch so much talent in action.  In addition to an explosion of talent between these two, their friendship was so inspiring and a great example of what a power couple should be like.  Naomi is still selling her unique and beautiful accessories and Anthony is working on a clothing line launch.  The link to the accessories is below. 


Over the Top Living

In our last show, we spoke to the Norman J Liverpool IV.  He is an overcomer and warrior for those that don't feel they have a voice.  We learned so much from him being on the show.  He talked about not making excuses for stepping out and doing what we already know we should be doing.  He spoke on being bold and proud of who and what we are unapologetically.  His mission has been to help people do just that.  He does multiple challenges, courses, and speeches to help guide people to the road he's already on.  I am so proud to watch his journey.  If you feel stuck where you are you can reach out to him at talk.overthetopliving.com.  If you'd like a copy of his book, you can go to book.overthrtopliving.com.  Below, you will find a link directly to his website.  It will be worth it to reach out to him.  Let him help you find your voice.


Finding Yourself, Making Peace with your past, Celebrating Life

Last week, we spoke with recording artist and author Eliot Popkin about his new book Circle: Letters to my Younger Self.  This book talks about his life journey and he speaks to his younger self and I absolutely love this book.  He reminded us all that you never know what others have gone through and that regardless of that past, you can still come out of it all beautifully and stronger.  I actually gave it to my youngest boy to read because of the challenges he's experienced.  I thought that it could help him a lot to know that he's not alone and that he can overcome what appears to be a never-ending nightmare. I encourage you all to buy his book.  The link is below.

Link to Circle

Take Your Turn - Guiding Young Women to Lead

Last week, 3/26, we spoke to Tonya Carter about the need to guide young women and teach them how to be the best them they can be.  We are in need of new female leaders.  There were some interesting questions during the show.  Someone asked if we were encouraging young ladies to be masculine.  I thought it was interesting that being assertive and intentional about pursuing our paths with confidence was compared to masculinity.  There are stats that make it appear that it's true, due to the pay gap between men and women.  Although that gap has gotten smaller through the years, it's still too big of a gap.  Why do you think that is?  Some say that women simply don't know to challenge the offer they are presented.  Some say women are not aggressive enough in pursuing growth in their careers, whatever that may be.  However, Tonya's message was not just about trying to be the next CEO or highest position at some company.  Her message spoke on being the best mother, teacher, medical professional, or whatever your purpose may be.  That's what her book is about.  If you'd like to get your copy of the book, click on the link below.

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Elijah Jamal: His Journey

Last show, 4/2/21, was with Recording Artist, Producer, Singer/Songwriter, Actor, and Model Elijah Jamal.  Believe it or not, that's not all he does!  He walked us through a portion of his music journey.  His journey is so extensive, it couldn't fit in our 1 hour show.  He was inspired to do music before he even learned how to read.  He started writing songs before he ever hit the fifth grade.  His first album, "Music is my Wife", says it all.  He's clearly married to his music.  He spends hours and hours working on music and still finds the time to act in stage plays and a web series.  He produces music for others, celebrities, movies, and shows.  He spoke on making the move from Chicago to LA to take his journey further with just a couple hundred dollars.  God's had his hand on him all of these years and it's paying off.  He's releasing a new album soon.  You can click on the link below to get his latest single "Rock With You", which is a remix to Michael Jackson's "Rock With You".  I can't stop vibing with it.  You'll love it!  His website is https://elijahjamal.com.  Check it out to see what else he's been up to.

Rock With You Single

DLylez: For the Love of Music

Last Show, 4/9/21, was with Recording Artist, Producer, Singer/Songwriter, Actor D. Lylez.  He walked us through his musical journey that started when he was just a small child.  He got into singing and acting pretty early in his life.  It ended up leading him the stage of "The Voice".  He was a finalist on the show and showed off his soulful vocals.  He continued to act and make music after that and has recently released music.  He's still working on a project now.  He's someone you want to follow. You can click on the link below to check out his music. 

D. Lylez Music

A Force to Be Reckoned With

Last Show, 4/16/21, was with Actor, Author, and Producer Nicole Reed.  She has such a dynamic background.  She began going to school for a technical degree and began modeling instead.  She got into acting as well and decided that she wanted to share her experience with others that wanted to do the things that she has done.  She has authored a book and is an active mentor to other young people.  She truly is a force to be reckoned with.  This is an example of how to maximize your potential and share your gifts with the world.  To learn more about her and what she does, click on the link below.

Nicole Reed

P.U.R.E. Live Spotlight: Muzzled Black Voices

This month, we celebrate our Black History Month. In honor of this, I’ve decided to give the education our country is trying to silence. This week, we are going to talk about powerful African-American activists that people attempted or succeeded in silencing. The first one up had a very strong but relevant message for the times that it came from. I am speaking of H. Rap Brown of the Black Panther Party in the 1960s. He was quoted as saying, "violence is as American as cherry pie". During this time, our people were being attacked, lynched, harassed. This was the American way that so many brought light to and fought to change. What H. Rap Brown actually said in that speech in Washington, D.C., in 1967 was: “I say violence is necessary. Violence is a part of America’s culture. It is as American as cherry pie. Americans taught the black people to be violent. We will use that violence to rid ourselves of oppression if necessary. We will be free, by any means necessary.” Although his violent nature is something I don’t condone, I do understand why he felt the need to go this route. When a people are pushed so far into a corner that they don't see a way out, sometimes they feel the need to come out swinging. Malcolm X was also militant in his ways and is quoted as saying “By any means necessary”. He was seen as dangerous, and his message was strong and effective. He was amplifying the injustices being done against our people and wanted change. His complete quote was, "We declare our right on this earth to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary." There goes that “by any means necessary” quote again. Another strong activist and leader in those times was Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. His approach was more peaceful, yet the objective is the same. That objective is to have our people be treated like equal citizens, like human beings. Rev. Dr. King said, "A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right." His speeches have been cherry picked for many years to serve certain agendas but let’s look at how he really felt: “Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. But 100 years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself in exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men — yes, Black men as well as white men — would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked insufficient funds. But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.” Take the time to look at the complete statements and speeches of these leaders. Never forget where and why our fight began. Let’s continue to spread this education wherever we can.

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